Strategies and Techniques for Integrating Web 2.0 Tools
Harnessing technology to support teaching and learning requires careful planning to engage students in a meaningful manner. Igniting the learning spirit in students has always been a challenge for any teacher; however, technology provides the catalyst to challenge students to learn and use their imagination. Technological tools support learning by providing the ideal venue for engaging students who live in a fast paced technological world.
The abundance of technology tools and Web 2.0 applications available today provides a wealth of resources for any classroom, regardless of content area. The use of Twitter, Wikis, blogs, Google Docs, concept mapping tools, productivity applications, and more are at the finger tips of both teachers and students.
Tips for Integrating Technology.
The following seven tips are designed to stimulate thinking and discussion regarding the best ways to integrate Web 2.0 technology in the classroom.
1. Embrace new types of technology. Seek out other teachers who are using the technology or experts in the field to provide support. One example is the use of a class Wiki and meeting with other teachers who have prior experience with using Wikis in the classroom.
2. Let technology support content. Every teacher’s passion is the subject he teaches, making him the expert on the content. Let technology support this passion to communicate the need to know to students. One example is allowing students to develop podcasts about the content they learned to share the passion.
3. Students need personal connection. Students become vested in their own learning when they have examples of their work to show parents or friends on a class Wiki or blog. One example is when students develop a solution when completing a problem-based learning project and the results are posted for others to view.
4. Create a personal social network. Developing a personal network of trusted teachers, content area experts, and online resources is critical to integration of technology. The ability to call for help when needed is crucial to long-term application of any Web 2.0 technological tool. One example is the use of Twitter for creating a personal network of trusted people and resources.
5. Start small and expand. If integrating a new technological tool, begin with baby steps. Start with small student projects and then expand into larger projects as the level of comfort increases. This avoids frustration from jumping into the deep end first. One example is using interactive white boards in class. Their potential is unlimited; however, begin with basic interactive websites and then expand to other Web 2.0 tools.
6. Always have a backup. Planning for technology failure is critical to success. Websites have problems, computers get finicky, suddenly the school district blocks a website that is on the approved list, servers fail, the bulb blows on the computer projector, and many more things that can happen. This is the life of teaching with technology and back up plans always save the day. One example is to have alternative websites that provide the same support for the lesson as the primary website.
7. Let students help. Do not be afraid to let students help with technology and share their expertise. Often students have firsthand knowledge with a new technological tool from personal experience or use in other classes. This strategy personalizes the learning experience for students and the teacher gains new personal technological knowledge. One example is when the teacher is having problems with a Google Docs feature and a student provides a solution.
Making Connections with Technology in the ClassroomIntegrating Web 2.0 technological tools in the classroom is here to stay, as the emphasis on these tools increases daily. The days of only relying on textbooks and the school library are coming to an end. There is vast amount of knowledge on the web, teaching students to develop the passion for knowledge that is both readily available and accurate is a new skill all students need for the 21st Century.